Provider Bio

Creative Writer
I love to write, but writing is lonely - let's get together to inspire each other and to learn from one another!Workshop creatief schrijven
Friday, 24/01, 19h-21h and 07/02, 21/02, 06/03, 13/03 and 20/03/2020
Kruisstraat 7 bus 1, 3390 Tielt-Winge
We meet up in small groups at a cozy location (not too noisy). I discuss a writing technique or a writing theme (like style, time, characters, etc) and I provide you with short, fun writing exercises. We read and discuss out loud.
Another activity is the writing walk, through Leuven and surroundings. I invite you to take in your surroundings in a whole new way. I share interesting facts concerning history, legends etc and I provide you with short, inspiring writing exercises linked to the places we see.
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